Tuesday, July 05, 2005

A Nonsensical Upside-Down Time

It's been a nonsensical, upside-down painful time for my family......Ron, Andrea and me. That's why I haven't written here much lately.

A college sophomore has developed an eery fixation on our recent middle school graduate, and to our surprise, that student has lately sent to our home two rambling, jarringly unhealthy letters. We responded ultra-politely, yet firmly to the first letter.....you know, careful, plain-spoken truth told in great love.

The second letter...three pages of narcissistic irrationality....arrived over the weekend, and deeply shocked and offended all three of us.The purpose of the second letter was to come between Ron and I, and Andrea. To divide us. I first grasped the depth and breadth of this surprising problem about a month ago, Ron did soon after, and now Andrea is absolutely blown away, as they say. (Andrea used the word "desperate." She's right.)

We have nothing more to say to the student. We've said our piece with grace, clarity and intelligence, and healthy boundaries have been set. The student apparently plans to ignore all boundaries, and clearly regards me as an untruthful culprit. That couldn't be more incorrect.....I suppose the truth hurts too much.

It breaks our hearts, but we're forced to change major parts of our lives to avoid this person. But change we will, with heavy, heavy spirits.

We said a prayer this evening for that student. And we have faith that God has a reason for this.


Leni said...

That is just creepy. I'm so sorry that your family is going through this, it must bring a level of stress to your lives.

I'm glad you are on top of things though. The creeps in my life went largely undetected by my parents, until it was too far gone. That was my fault, I was a master of deception, til God cured me of it!

Blessings to you!


Deborah White said...

Thank you, Leni. This whole situation has shocked us, but newly aware, we have moved on.

We appreciate the blessings!