Saturday, May 08, 2004

A Mom's Mixed Feelings on Mothers' Day

It's so easy when they're young. They make toast for you, and bring it to you in bed with a glass of orange juice and an adorable crayoned card. The smiles on their little faces shine with love. Maternal tears of joy swell in your eyes. They're thrilled to honor you, and you're touched beyond words. All's right with the world.

It's not so easy when they're adults, with their own lives and responsibiities and activites. They're busy making their way, and you're grateful for that. That's the way it should be. But feels so good to be remembered and loved by them. And those day when they were little are such warm memories....some of the best times of your life.

My oldest was married last fall to the greatest of guys. They came down for a visit last weekend from their Bay Area home. I got precious time and loving hugs from them, which is the ultimate gift. The still-honeymooners are out-of-town this weekend to celebrate his first married birthday at a special baseball game.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

My 25 year old son finally seems settled into a good, stable job. Like all sons, he is not the great or frequent communicator. He called a couple days ago, and it was a delight to hear from him. He expressed his love for me many times during our call, and his apologies for not calling more often. He's working Sunday, though, and not sure he can make it over for a visit. I understand. I want to support this job.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

And my 20 year old stepson, who I've known and loved since he was 4, will be here next weekend, bearing hugs and a card. One year, he surprised me with an armful of spring flowers. He should spend Mother's Day with his mother, though.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

We still have one child at home. My 12 year old plans to singlehandedly make brunch for me after church tomorrow. I hear whispers that she's making her own gift basket of my favorite things. I can hardly wait. Not for the pancakes and sausage or for the gifts, but for her face sparkling with love and the sweetness of her heart. All's right with the world.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

I'm grateful for the blessing that each is in my life. And have a mother's mixed feelings about seeing her children grow up.

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