Monday, November 08, 2004

Astonished and Blessed

I'm astonished at the voluminous and positive response lately....especially since the Nov 2 my "politicized" blog, Heart, Soul & Humor. I have been invited (and I accepted) to be a guest contributor to a top political blog. Another leading Democratic blogger wants to start a mutual dialog with me on "hot issues" as abortion and gay marriage, and calls my evangelical liberal voice one that must not be ignored by Independents and Democrats. Heart, Soul & Humor is blessed with faithful, supportive readers, including many pastors, social workers, other commentators & writers and hopefully a few friends. It's even been cached by most search engines, including Google, Yahoo, Lycos, AltaVista and DogPile.

I tell people that I had a decades-long writers' block. Truth is I had all the tools...skills, gifts, education....but nothing to say. I never felt that Deborah White had anything to teach to others. I am just a person, and it felt overwhelming and uncomfortable to impress my ideas on others. It felt wrong. So I didn't write creatively for years and years. Only business memos and stuff.

We changed churches three years ago, to one not perfectly in line with my political beliefs, but nonetheless, one where I finally felt the Holy Spirit. Finally. Then the thought came to me two years ago...indeed, it's NOT about me. It's about God using and working through me.

Since that profound thought permeated my heart, soul and busy brain, my writing has flowed nonstop. I have something to say. A whole heck of a lot to say.

My home-brewed vision of liberal evangelicalism has taken on an actiive, growing life of its own, particularly in the last six day since the election, and it's incredibly exciting! My fervent prayer is that as this ministry grows and expands in influence, I continue to make it honoring to God, and don't fall into the trap of making it about me.

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