A unique, classy new show opens next week at Radio City Music Hall, featuring rare, vintage 1950s film clips of Frank Sinatra singing many of his best tunes. The film is taken from an ABC television program that ran for one season, and has been buried in family archives. The fifty year old film was resurrected using today's technological magic.
The show is entitled "Sinatra - His Voice, His World, His Way." I have little interest or even respect for his world or his way, but his voice and artistry were otherworldly in their smooth grace and impeccable rhythm. The film is accompanied by a forty-piece big band orchestra. Sadly, Radio City couldn't resist adding dancing Rockettes in tiny skirts to this otherwise sophisticated evening. Clips of the show can be viewed at the Radio City Music Hall website.
Oh, to be in Manhattan October 8 to 19 for a romantic fall evening of elegant dining and Sinatra music.
Send emails to me at DeborahWhite@UniqueRecipes.com.
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