Tuesday, September 06, 2005

A Sweet Baby and a Lovely Young Woman

Our baby started high school today. The sweet baby we longed for.....the cheerful toddler who wanted nothing more than to be with us....the elementary school student who proudly brought home armfuls of papers each day, beaming as we admired each masterpiece....the gawky middle schooler who fretted to us about dances, the cool people and her hair, her clothes, her everything.

This morning I reached to hug my baby before she left for high school, but she was already gone. Instead, I found a lovely young woman...poised, smart, pretty, and ready to take on the world with values, intelligence and a love of God.

To say we are proud of her is a vast understatement. The better statement is that we are blessed to be her parents. We've given her sturdy roots, and her wings are developing beautifully.

But as loving parents, we already miss our sweet baby...even though college is still four years away.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful post.

Anonymous said...

When does the rebellion begin?
Maybe on your final try you have achieved your goal. A child destined for the nunery.I must say you picked the perfect name for your site. After reading all the archives you are crazy woman...
I say please please please
Let go, Let be woman, let be...
or God will have wrath upon thee...

Mark Daniels said...

The letting go is hard for we parents. But, the rewards--in our children and in our relationships with them as time goes by--are more than worth the pain. Nice post, as usual, Deborah.